Mini Charm Coin Ruched flowers

Coin Ruched Flower made From Mini Charms
I will be using the 2 inch side of the TR700 Jumbo coin Ruching Guide to mark each square for stitching.
There are enough charms in most packets to make two flowers. Here I have sorted them into two rows, mixing up the darks and lights.
Be fore I mark the pieces I fold each in half and baste the raw edges together in the longest side.
I keep them stung together like in chain piecing.
Use the TR700 Coin Ruching Guide and a fabric marking tool of your choice to mark a scallop line to follow for stitching on each charm. Keep the charms together, do not cut apart.
Use strong thread like hand quilting thread and a milliners needle the sew a 1/4 inch running stitch along the scallop line, gathering up the fabric into petals as you go. The strip will be 10 to 12 inches long when gathered.
Starting at one end of the gathered strip of petals, roll the strip up like a cinnamon roll, and using whip stitches along the raw edges, whip stitch the rounds together, keeping the rounds even with the previous round. The package of the TR700 Jumbo Coin Ruching Guide has complete instructions for you to follow.

You can find the TR700 Jumbo Coin Ruching Guide at many fine quilt shops, instore or online. Check my Website for a list of shops I know carry all the Coin Ruching Tools.