Accurate pressing is just as important as accurate seams in producing well pieced quilt blocks.

Punkin Irby
Angels, arent they.
Accurate pressing is just as important as accurate seams in producing well pieced quilt blocks.
Angels, arent they.
I work in a very small studio. 10 feet by 10 feet. Things are packed in pretty tight.
Projects are here and there, but they all have their space.
So how do I keep this small space so I can work in it? My first line of defense is doing a 15 minute pick up at the end of each day. I use a kitchen timer to keep me focused.
Most of the time I have several projects going at once and I like to keep things portable so I can take with me to work on. Wrap-n-Totes from my pattern #1501 work well to corral a messy project or to transport a hand sewing project.
I have many projects in ArtBins and 2 Gallon Zip Closure Bags, labeled and including a Project Action Sheet where I have listed next steps, supplies needed and a proposed finish date.
Of course no work space is complete without a good paperweight. Punkin, our Manager of Operations, likes filling that duty.
I am offering an Organized Sewing Space Workshop at Experience Quilts!, Odessa, Washington, beginning Saturday, January 18th, 2020. 509-982-2012
Looking for a Guild or Shop Workshop, contact us at our info@laurassagecountryquilts link.
What organizing tips can you share with your fellow readers?